Wednesday, September 11, 2013

So many experiences to share, if you are interested!

Finally. Time to sit and blog and catch up on our life. Where to start? California has been really good to us. I cant believe we have been here almost 6 months. It still feels so fresh and new and sometimes I still get lost while driving around. I am really grateful for Google maps, because really, I have used that sucker a lot! But yes, Its been great out here. I cant fight the feeling that my heart is still stuck in Spanish Fork Utah, but im working on it. When ever I think about or hear about our old neighborhood, I get a little sad. I miss our little house, I miss my fabulous neighbors, I miss my kids' friends and I miss that small town feeling. Ive just come to realize that Utah is very unique in a way that you have to just live there for yourself to know to understand it. I wont miss those winters though....but I might miss the pretty snowfall before it gets slushy and ugly ;) We live in an apartment community and we Love it! Yes, you heard me, WE LOVE IT! I have never felt like we were stepping down by getting into an apartment. We feel so blessed to be here and we know that this opportunity is ours. The apartment, Its small, but its ours. We have made it our home and we have made it work. We love our neighbors, we have met some of the greatest people by living here and I sincerely wouldnt change it for anything, anything at all. I do know that my heart aches for Utah sometimes, but I am really looking forward to the day when I can be in Sunnyvale and feel like we're "home." Moving here has taken some emotional adjusting. My physical self loves it, but my emotional self has taken a little longer to get used to it. I do anticipate the day that we can feel "settled" here because I do know that we dont have any plans on going back to utah anytime soon. (sorry family!) I'd like to say that if/when we have the opportunity to buy a home here, that will probably be when our hearts can finally feel settled and we can finally say that we're HOME. Until then though, we are happy right where we are. We have been tossed a few hard days, but really, we cant deny how blessed we feel to be here. Nick is really loving work. Rough days, good days, hard days and boring days....he loves it. Im so proud of how far he has come with his web/design skills. I cant even put into words how much he has grown. They surely do value designers a lot more out here which is why we cant see any plans of going back to utah anytime soon. Here in Silicon Valley there are way too many opportunites for Nick to grow as a designer and I 100% want that for him. He is super awesome at what he does! I cant imagine him staying stagnant with his job. There is just so much to do and there are so many things to learn. I am really glad that Nick and I were able to find him a career that uses his talent as an artist. He has a great eye and great people skills that have brought him so dang far in the 8 years that we have been married. I would hate to hold him back which is why california is perfect for his career and personality. He is doing awesome, and as his wife, I am so amazed at his dedication. He makes me really proud. McCoy started the 2nd Grade with Mrs. Phillips and since its the fresh start of a new year, he is really loving it. He makes friends so easily and he loves that they study so many subjects! I really love the learning strategies here and have a feeling that McCoy is going to grow leaps and bounds with the education system they offer. He had a hard time leaving Rees and all his friends he had there, so my heart jumps for joy when I see him enjoying his school, because that was my #1 concern with moving out here. I tell you, there is something about your child making friendships that are meaningful to them, cause since that has happened with McCoy, I would say that a big part of me has relaxed that hasnt been able to relax since we got here. Its kinda, the little girls are a little crazy for him :) I've seen the girls rest thier faces on his desk and stare at him, and i've seen girls follow him after school chanting his name....and i've seen girls chase him during a game of tag....he is such a stink! I have started walking McCoy to school twice a week. At school every morning as everyone arrives, the kids walk in a big circle for "morning walk." Its a great time for kids to chat or for parents to chat with their kids. I like to take that time and chat with McCoy and I have seen a massive change in our relationship since we've been doing this. He looks forward to it every morning and so do I. Im so glad we have started this little ritual together. Its been one of Gods tender Mercies to me to value of McCoy that I hadn't before recognized. We had a few rough years that we butted heads, but I can honestly say that since he's gotten older, he has been such a great and obedient boy. And, I do know with all my heart, that since we have moved out here, we have found that its not as easy to make friends, or your friends dont live right next we have spent an incredible amount of time TOGETHER, which in utah we didnt do as much, just he and I, because we both were occupied with friendships. Now, not to say anything bad about that, cause really, there wasnt. But we didnt realize what we were missing between us. But here, its an every day thing to have plenty of time between just he and I, and I know thats another tender mercy from God, to help save our relationship....and most of all my relationship with my son. Heavenly Father knew just what we needed. Lavi has turned in to such a little girl. She is all grown up and has changed since we moved. I have noticed some big changes in her, but one thing for sure is her little voice remains all nasal-like and loud! She is my extremely loud girl! She has always loved animals, especially dogs, but out here, every dog has gained a second heart to love them. Little Lavi loves all the dogs in our complex, and in fact, if it werent for her nosy little personality petting every dog that she see's, we probably wouldnt even have any friends! hahah. But really, her love for pets has really increased. I appreciate Lavi. When we walk, she smells every flower, she notices every cloud, she says hi to every ant on the ground, she has a new found love for snails, she loves moths and butterflies...she has a deep appreciation for the simple things. I had a tug of war with my heart about putting her in public preschool this year. I had her all signed up to attend Laurelwood preschool and she was so excited! The school was nearly $200 dollars with a $435 down payment for tuition, enrollment fees, supplies...blah blah blah. Well, after so much heavy thinking about it, I decided to pull her from the preschool before school started. I thought I was going to kick myself from pulling her, but surprisingly I felt a huge weight from my back lift right up. But then the guilt set in and the worry of what I was going to do with her.... At last I found out about a joy school that I wasnt too excited about, but I thought i'd find out more about it. Long story....I have her signed up for Joy school with some great girls, and she is signing up tomorrow for ballet or gymnastics. I feel really good about it and im grateful for the direction that i've taken with her. One day, I sat thinking about how its been 5 years since my mom passed. I thought about her and thought about how quickly I was sent a new baby as my form of peace after loosing my mom. Lavi has most certainly been the peace after trial and mourning in my life. Some of the things Lavi does has my mom written all over it. Its amazing how that happens. I remember having to heal my broken heart after having Lavi. But it wasnt too long after I had baby Lavi, that my heart was whole again. So as I contemplated the preschool for Lavi and I almost let guilt take over me, I remembered that its ok. Its ok to keep her close to me for one more year. Its not socially acceptable here to NOT put your kid in preschool, but I feel my reason is much greater than any price I could pay to have her educated. Kindergarten is all day long here in Cali, so I figure that before my peaceful sidekick leaves my side for a bigger world, I will just keep her close. I made that commitment a few weeks ago and I havent looked back. No regrets what so ever. Nick and I got callings as Nursery teachers in the ward. I know what your thinking!! knock it off ;) Ok, I wont lie....I bawlled my ever loving eyeballs out the day we were handed the calling. I had flash backs of the Willows nursery in utah and the mad kaos it was in there. I am afraid to admit, but I had a pretty sour attitude about it. Boy, I learned a quick lesson. Surprisingly enough, I dont mind it at all. We are with the little babies, and I think its been good for me. I cant say that i've learned SOOOOOOO much from this calling yet.....but I think my lesson will come later. Nick is greatly appreciated in there too. There are a few little girls that when they cry, they prefer a daddy to comfort them. Its been good for both of us to serve together and we have both been humbled. Its been so healthy for us to simplify and teach the little ones about Jesus. I really do honestly think (and I am guilty) that the calling of nursery is horribly judged. I never realized its value and importance until now. Its been great too, cause a lot of the families around our age are teachers in the primary or in the nursery, so its def been an easier way to get to know people! After finding that out, I felt bad for being bitter about the calling. Ooooops! I will admit though, I miss the Willows Wards RS lessons. Those were always so powerful and just what I needed. I miss those women a lot! Church is great though, we really have loved the families in the ward. So many people have opened themselves up to us and have offered their kids to our kids for friends, have offered their services and have taken us in. Again, we feel blessed to be where we are. Willows ward was so dang hard to leave and live up to...but we have survived the transition! I have really loved it out here in Cali. Im not going to lie, the Indian Culture is huge here and it has brought my curiosity out a lot! I have NEVER been interested in my heritage or anything indian at all. Not really out of anything to be rude, but I just have only known myself as an American and hadnt ever looked into my Indian heritage. I am intrigued by the language, the dress, style, accents....everything about it. No, im not going to dress the ways and such, just because its not who I am....but I have really grown a deep love for the Indian People. They are so kind, so loving, so family oriented, so loyal..... I am so proud of myself for being brave and going out of my way to get to know a lot of them and actually feel a very strong friendship with quite a few of the families here. And of course their children.....oh man, I just die every time one of them smiles or bats those long eye lashes. TO DIE FOR! The children are beautiful!!!!!! Its kind of funny because in Utah, if I saw an indian, it was all I did to try not to make eye contact, But here, its everything I have to keep me from going over and introducing myself. I just love the people and the culture, its just simply amazing to me. I love the many many MANY cultures here in Sunnyvale. Its unreal how many cultures are here. Just in McCoy's school alone, there are 25 languages that are used cause some children know up to 3 languages. Absolutely incredible and im so happy to surround my kids with what the Gospel of Jesus Christ Teaches, that each one of us are different, each one of us serves a very important purpose and to love one another for who they are. We are so blessed to have some of our family out here, The Kenney's. You may have heard me talk about Jan'l, Jason and all our little Cousins. Wow, we had NO idea they lived here til we were getting ready to move. It was an instant connection wtih that family. Hardly any effort, we are all best friends. Jan'l has not only been a life saver on so many levels, but a friendship that I never knew was waiting out there for me! She inspires me when it comes to motherhood. She shows me so many ways. We talk, the kids play.... Having that family here for us has been such a perfect friendship and relationship for all 4 of us. I cant even express enough on how much we love them and are grateful to have them. Tragedy strikes when we go more than 2 days of not seeing each other! Really, it does :) Being a mormon in this state is different than being a mormon in Utah :) I was really scared....not ashamed....scared (two different things) at first to even tell anyone that I was mormon because I was afraid they wouldnt want to talk to me or be my friend. But the one thing I love about the people here is, they are pretty accepting no matter what. People are really good about just doing what they want and minding their P's and Q's. But with along with minding their bizz, you will meet some of the friendliest people at the train station, in the cereal isle, while taking a walk...I know that missionary work is so vital and I pray for opportunities all the time, but I havent yet felt the impression to do anything big yet and honestly, Im ok with that. I know that if I need to step forward, Heavenly Father will let me know and I will do it. My biggest mission is just to set an example of who I am and what I believe. I dont know what dent im making in others lives, or if Im making a dent at all, but if they know me, I hope they know im a believer and I am indeed a Mormon :) So, yep, here we are almost 6 months into this new life of ours. We love it! I can truely and honestly say that I would have NEVER imagined that coming to Cali just for a job, would bring so many experiences and blessings to the life of my little family in such little time. We have seen only a small portion, but its been so much to us, of whats out there in this HUGE world. We were not expecting to be blessed with such abundance. We are so glad we took a risk, had faith and moved. And there's my novel of the last 5 month since I last wrote :)

Sunday, May 5, 2013

A few things I've noticed Lately.

After being here for nearly 3 weeks, here are a few things I have noticed and or experienced:

  •  The hot water is to the right and the cold water is to the left with the faucets.
  • The leaves here are THICK and HUGE!
  • Almost everyone lives in apartments, and its not until your older that you own a home.
  • Apartment living is certainly NOT looked down upon here, like it is in Utah.
  • In our area there are a lot of software engineers and computer geeks. Its just how it goes here.
  • Almost everyone is bi-lingual I dont have to use lotion as skin is smooth and silky with the humidity.
  • The teachers are free to dress however, but still with in a range of modesty. (they wear tank tops)
  • California drivers are fast.
  • Their stop and go lights are different, they only have ONE for all 3 lanes to watch, instead of a light for every lane to watch.
  • They go by street names, not numbers.
  • There are lots of different religions and churches.
  • A LOT of people that we have ran into or who are in our ward are from Utah, have family in Utah or are super familiar with Utah.
  • A lot of people move here to work for Apple.
  • There are no lights in family rooms or bed rooms....because they like to save on everything! (you just have to buy lamps)
  • Speaking of save...they frown if you need bags to bag your stuff or groceries!!!! Yep, I found this out the hard way. You have to buy Reusable bags from them, or the dollar store or from where ever and take them with you every time. REDUCE REUSE AND RECYCLE!! I am proud to say that I am an owner of plenty of bags!
  • A lot of apartment people have pets as their children which is FINE, but they really get annoyed with REAL children. On our first night here we were complained about our Noise.... Wa Wa Wa.
  • People are pretty passionate about animals so they will call the pound or cops if kids are playing with pets cause the adults think the kids are harassing it. In Other words Beans got out and McCoy and Lavi plus some friends went chasing after him and the lady across the way said if she see's kids harassing him again she'll call the cops. Lame!
  • If your kids act up in the store or anywhere out in public, you get the hard core stares big time.
  • Cali has a lot of "hop on the freeway and hop right off" kind of routes to get to different cities or places U-Turns are super popular here, there are all sorts of legal or illegal signs saying where you can and cannot do them.
  • Cali has so many roads and none of them lead back to square one. If you miss your turn into target and think you can just go around the block...Nope...the roads wont lead you back! I've gotten lost because of this! The roads are crazy and that my friends is why there are so many U-turns!
  • The faucet water is hard and disgusting. I love bottled water and plan on getting a purifier.
  • The Groceries here are called LUCKY, SPROUTS, TRADER JOES AND SAFEWAY. I like most of them, but I go to the Discount Grocery store..its way cheaper and have some seriously amazing products!
  • Most all of the schools that i've noticed are CAMPUS' meaning, they have different buildings for different subjects or different grades or different teachers.
  • Bikes and the Cal train are the main mode of transportation. Thats all there is to it. The bikers arent allowed on the sidewalk, they have thier own lane on the road. Pretty sure thats one thing I hate the most. Nick is either going to get hit and killed or I'm going to be making a right turn and hit and kill someone in my blind spot. HATE this.
  • Just with in our living area there are 16 Indian Restraunts.
  • The Indians here are nicer than the ones in Utah, probably because there are so many here and they are super family oriented here.
  • You meet a lot of nice people, but at the same time, you meet a lot of RUDE people or people who dont have the best social manners or skills.

And thats what i've noticed so far. Just thought i'd jot it down :)

First day at church

Today was our first day at church. The kids were snazzy and we made it on time (5 minutes late is still on time)! It was great to meet our new ward family and for the most part they were all very very welcoming.

McCoy and Lavi did such a great job with meeting their new teachers and friends, Coy even had a friend from school that was in his Sunday school class!!

It's amazing, as we got ready to leave Utah, one of my bittest worries, was how the kids would adjust, and to be honest, they have done far better than I would've ever dreamed. Not only are they doing great, they are doing a great job at making friends!

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Welcome to Sunnyvale California.

We have been here a little over a week and we have loved it here In Sunnyvale California! The travel here was.....well lets just say, I wouldnt recommend it to anyone. Its the most boring, plain, lame drive anyone could endure. The roads are looong and flat and even though your going 80 miles an hour, it feels like your crawling only going 40. It was not fun. And not to mention, that I bought the kids about $40 dollars worth of books and activities to play on the road and ALL OF THEM were packed into the Uhaul somewhere. HORRIBLE! The kids did AMAZING though, and watched movies and got along so well. If I remember right, I think they only had 2 real arguments the entire 13 hours of driving. Im so very proud of them, because for them especially, it was a long haul. We stayed a night in Reno which was about half way. We just couldnt drive the entire way and im glad we didnt because we really would have missed out on a beautiful drive through the dark. Im not kidding, as soon as we Hit the Sierra MOuntains, the views were breath taking. Heavenly Father is so mindful of us to create such beautiful majestic mountains for us to love!

So yes, we've been here a week. Our fabulous best friends, THE KENNY FAMILY have been life savers!! They have fed us, helped us move in, taken us around, and have helped us with all the nitty gritty stuff. Really, they are amazing and so loving. We have had an instant connection with the Kenny Family, its been such a fabulous blessing to have them in our lives! Fortunately for us they are Nick's cousins, so they are stuck with us for eternity ;)

California is great. You would think that being only a few hundred miles away that it wouldnt be THAT different, but let me tell you.... it is. Its more than just what you see in Disney Land. Its been such a culture shock...which I know I've mentioned a lot on facebook and Instagram (my 2 best friends). Most of the population here is made up of Indians from India and Asians from China and such. Im guessing a lot of them are probably engineers and I know a lot of them work for MAC, APPLE or other high profile businesses around here. This is Silicon valley...which means there's a lot of smarty pants here. The trees are so big and beautiful and everything is so green. The humidity gets pretty intense around 3-5pm. It feels like you just got out of the shower with the bathroom door closed. Lovely! I actually dont mind it...but I wont tell you who does ;) His name may or may not start with an "N."

We havent been to church yet. We have met our bishop and some members of the ward and all are So kind and have taken us right in. We actually met some people that we sort of know, because Nick and I worked for thier parents while doing foster Care in Utah a few years ago. So there are more familiar faces around here than we would have expected to see! There are lots of missionaries and again...very comforting and reassuring that the Church is everywhere. Love it.

I love the culture here. I love love love that McCoy and Lavi are being so exposed to so many differences at thier young ages. I love thier ages because they are like clay and you can mold them and raise them around anything and they are too innocent to pass judgements like adults do. I love it. I am in love with the the different ways different cultures dress. McCoy and Lavi have found it facinating to see the Indian women dressed in their Sari's and there are even women with all black on showing nothing but their eyes. Even I am getting a taste of facination. Just with in a mile of our house there are 13 Indian restaraunts. YUMMM!! Anyway, the multi-cultural life is for sure something that has me convinced that this is a great place to live and raise my family.

McCoy started school today and He made 3 new friends! He really enjoyed his day but for some reason while he went to school, I sat home and worried my little head off. All is well, he had a good day and I'll just worry again tomorrow. But he made 3 new friends, Lunch is outside on picnic tables, they hang thier back packs outside, each class is in a different building, the school is basically a mini campus, and before school the teacher takes the student on a walk around the school grounds to get the wiggles out before class starts at 8:20am SHARP! The kids are allowed a snack at recess....the morning is reading and math, they have music days, and the afternoon is Social Studies and Science. WOWZA! This curriculum is going to be DEAD ON for McCoy. He needs a challenge and I think the kids he is up against will for sure push him as well. Excellent learning system here for sure. They have other things they study, but those are the basics that im aware of right now.

TJ Maxx is my favorite store of all time. My Cousin Jan'l showed me the Cupertino TJ Maxx and I about fainted. Its massive. Its the size of a Target and its full of wall to wall stuff that is to die for. I would almost like the one in Utah better, because the one here is way too tempting!! Luckily though, im still the same cheap wad and drooled over everything and just walked away. Its something i've become very good at. Drool and walk....drool and walk.

 We are settling in just fine. Our house sits vacant in Spanish Fork, but not for long...we hope. Its currently under Contract, so our Whispering Willows friends are going to either thank us or hate us soon ;) We hope you thank us! We soooo deeply miss our friends from that neighborhood. Our biggest adjustment has been going from a house to an apartment. My kids cant freely walk outside....we dont own what we live in and with as safe as it is here, people in Cali just dont get to know thier neighbors like Utah does. In utah, your whole neighbhorhood is your ward...thats not how it is here. That would be one of the top 5 hardest adjustments we're making. Nothing beats borrowing from your neighbhors cause you can and its so helpful to have them there when your in a pinch. Thats not how it goes here, which is fine, but its for sure a custom in Utah. So yep, we miss that and we miss all those kiddos sitting on our porch. Like I said, its taking some getting used to. The cheapest houses we have seen are in the high 700's....but even for an older home that was built in the 70's, runs for about 1 million dollars. The big homes that are like Utahs 2-300K homes in Utah are probably around 1.7million in Cali. UN-REEEEEAL!!! SO, Nick and I have discussed, we're here and he loves his job and Cali is a great place to raise a family, but as far as owning a home here is something we will have to ponder about for a while. Some of the apartments here are dang nice and are completely upgraded here because people use apartments as a way to live because affording a home is impossible for them. So with that said, finding an apartment here to rent is tricky because a lot of them are full. We found that out the hard way. So yes....I have had a hard time adjusting to apartment life again like we had while Nick was in school. wa wa wa, I know. First world problems. But ya know, as I have sat and thought it through, we are in a really good place in life right now and I cant find one reason to complain. I would be so ungrateful to complain. So im not going to. Our apartment is small, cozy and lucky for us we DO have a few fabulous friendly neighbors. I have also found that this is where we need to be right now. All is well with a roof over our head and food on our plates.

We havent been here long enough to get severely home sick yet. Both Nick and I have felt a 'hard day' about once each so far, but nothing too bad. For me, I am still so fond of Spanish Fork and love love love it there. I find myself still having a hard time parting with that place, only because I have 2 kids and thats an excellent place to raise a family. Even though, family is all still in Utah (Dear family:please dont take this personal), I dont really miss Utah yet.... more just the friends, family and the friendly people. The Cali people are not that friendly, unless they have kids too. Other wise you get looks and stare downs until you can quiet your kids up.

> Nick rides a bike to the Cal-Train about a mile away and then hops on the train for work every day. His work is right across the street from the train, so his commute is soooo fabulous! We are a one car family and its soooo easy! The cal train is awesome!!! The kids and I rode it today and surprised Nick at his work so we could meet the staff and see Nick's work area. Palo Alto is so super beautiful from what I saw and I cant wait to adventure more into the city. We still have so many touristy things to do...our list is pretty long.

All is well with the Jarvis family. We love skyping and face timing with friends and family, so if you have the computer or phone, we usually use sundays to talk with anyone who is able to! We are loving it here and finding so much joy in this journey of ours. Really, I cant believe we moved so suddenly....But we did and we're doing just fine. xoxoxox